RolStoppable said:
There's no PS5 game that justifies such high sales so long after its respective release date. If you look at the table posted by @TruckOSaurus , you'll see that we are basically still in the phase of launch demand for the hardware, meaning a lot of sales go to people who buy a PS5 for the sake of owning a PS5. PS5 sales will begin to become more software-driven once we get past 400k LTD and begin to approach 500k. That is to say, weekly sales will drop to low to mid four-digit figures, because noteworthy PS5 releases will be scarce. |
So I guess these launch systems appeal to tech enthusiasts and conspicuous consumption? I.e. people buy a PS5 just to have it look nice on the shelf and that's it? I was guessing that they were using it for backwards compatibility, but I suppose the PS4 didn't really launch with any notable games or backwards compatibility and people still bought it anyway. Heh, it is funny to me that there is a market for consoles that don't have any games that people want to play.
curl-6 bet me that PS5 + X|S sales would reach 56m before year end 2023 and he was right.
My Bet With curl-6
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