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MikeB said:

@ Deneidez

CELL can't help RSX easily

Let's look at what the experts have to say.

*lots of text*

Well, I didn't say it can't help. Its just its not that easy and it comes with a cost. Ok, lets take few arguments from those experts.

1. If you preprocess geometry, where do you get space to save results?

2. If you preprocess shaders, again... where do you get space to save results and space for processing?

3. Backface-culling on CELL, results again.

No, you can't do those in 'real time'. Maybe some just before sending first ones, but most of them must be saved somewhere and that means less memory for rest of the game. If you do those while GPU is doing nothing, you are not really gaining anything. And yes, you can get 'incredible' room with PS3, but when it comes to whole game world it just can't handle that as well as that room, because of all bottlenecks.


However you seem to know some stuff. Do you realize that with PS3 you can't use all programming paradigms. You are stuck with procedural programming when it comes to SPEs. Sometimes you even need to go even lower and use asm, which is something that you really should use only for optimizing not to for initial programing. Of course PPE can handle any programming paradigm there is, but still. Call me lazy, if you will, but that will make programming much harder and much costly. :)

Wtf are you talking about? :D

(Yeah, I am dev who is stuck with PC, because no money for devkits. Actually I wouldn't even want to do anything for any console. Way too restricted platform.)

XNA developer?

Not really, just wondering why did you throw something about those shaders. Both ways have their own strong points.



Hehe, and how about Gabe Newells comments? He really likes PS3.