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NJ5 said:

Uncharted has good graphics but it runs at 30 fps... Look at Ninja Gaiden 2 which runs at 60 fps and its graphics are almost up to par with Uncharted's.

You are kidding us on right?  Ninja Gaiden 2 looks fine, but nowhere near as nice as Uncharted.  NG2 is on a par or thereabouts with DMC4.

I'm pretty sure Uncharted would run on the 360, but of course it will never get ported so this will remain an open question.

I would love to see MS try and create a similar game to Uncharted on the 360, if they managed it, it would prove the 360 doubters wrong...but IMHO, it could not be done on the 360.

MGS4 doesn't have better graphics than 360 games like Gears of War. all a matter of opinion, but it does.  The character models are excellent in MGS4 and certainly look better than the Gears models.

I don't know about GT5:p, since I never played any racer on the 360.

GT5p is the best looking racing game on any console at the moment.  It is miles ahead of the Project Gotham and Forza games graphically by some way.

From the games released so far, I believe the 360 and PS3 are about equal in performance (each has specific advantages, but generally speaking are about equal).




Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)