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@ TheRealMafoo

The 360 GPU is faster then the PS3 GPU, but the PS3 can supplement the GPU with its CPU far better then the 360 can. In the end, this means the PS3 can produce better graphics. You want real world examples?

I agree the 360 GPU can in specific situations be faster, but in other situations the RSX can be faster. The main difference is really the use of EDRAM on the Xenos daughter chip. This can provide fillrate advantages for adding HDR or AA as long as the data fits the EDRAM, but sadly there's not enough EDRAM (10 MB, look at Halo 3, a high profile 1st party exclusive extreme development budget, but 640p without AA with fluctuating framerate), so going up in resolution or adding HDR as well as AA becomes a bottleneck the RSX doesn't have to deal with.

And you are right the Cell is excellently well suited to assist the RSX, that's what the RSX and Cell have been designed for. Much better than what the Xenon can do for the Xenos. However for example for a game like Motorstorm the Cell does not assist the RSX and looks very good and for a game like Genji 2 the Cell's SPUs weren't even used at all, but graphically the game looks good amongst the launch titles.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales