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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
JWeinCom said:

For people who don't have a friend to borrow Mario 3D World or who wouldn't want to? Seems pretty straightforward.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:

"Over the past year" isn't the current day and time, nor is it the next few months. And that's all I'm talking about. 

I don't particularly care for a lot of the big games releasing like Persona 5 Strikers or Bravely Default II, but I'd be lying if I said Bowser's Fury, Monster Hunter Rise and New Pokemon Snap aren't titles I'm excited for. I'd even go as far as to say the first few months of this year is actually the most packed Switch has ever been in it's first few months in a year (2017 Switch kind of got a pass for releasing in March and I guess you could say 2020 is technically the most impactful for Animal Crossing, but neither were definitely the most consistent for new releases). It's nice to have a 3rd of the year where there's enough big releases that I can say I'm satisfied whilst also not particularly caring for a lot of the new big games. 

If it doesn't matter to you than whatever, but it does to me. In 2018 for instance, the first half of the year was slow, but Xenoblade Chronicles, Mario Odyssey, and FE Warriors had all come out pretty recently, so I didn't mind that nothing big was coming out. But this year I don't have a big backlog on my Switch, so the wait is less palatable.

As for this year's lineup on its own merits, it's meh. We'll see what Pokemon Snap does, but if it follows in its predecessors footsteps it will be a charming diversion, not a major release. Bowser's Fury is DLC that can't be purchased separately. And, that's all that's coming from Nintendo themselves, which is pretty week. Even with one major and one semi major 3rd party release (Rise and Bravely) it's still a fairly week lineup imo.  

It's not that I don't care, I do and think your perspective is very valid, I even kind of mirror it as even in a scenario where I have enough games to play I'm always going to want to know what's on the horizon to some extent. It's just that my comments weren't a commentary on whether or not Nintendo crafted a good backlog of games in the later half of 2020, nor was my comment praising the first few months of the year from a lineup perspective a commentary on the quality of the rest of the years lineup. In fact quite the opposite, it's exactly as I said, I want a direct to make it clear what we can expect for most of the year (some later surprises notwithstanding). So your replies aren't something I disagree with, but I don't think they contradict with what I'm saying either, despite being worded as such (except for the part about being or not being starved for games, but that's moreso because I haven't played AoC yet and have a lot of platforms to play on). 

I just hope that the start of this year is indicative of the rest of the year, consistent quality releases, some a bit nicher some a bit bigger but all of them somewhat at least somewhat major. I also think Rise is going to be at least one of the better Switch games though, so this first quarter is definitely enhanced by that. 

Monster Hunter just isn't for me. I played Tri to review it, and it was one of those games where I get why people would like it, but I didn't.

In terms of just raw quality, the lineup for this year isn't bad. If you happen to be interested in all those games it's a solid first half of the year. But it needs a little more variety. So, for someone like me who isn't interested in Monster Hunter and already played the shit out of 3D World, there's still enough to be excited about.