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MikeB said:
eliasg said:
BrayanA said:
Another win for 360? Nothing new.


many people in the forum still believe to the SONY hype, they are just blind and cant see the truth...


Calling others who don't share your uninformed perspectives to be blind?

And the truth is? Answer me some questions.

- Which system has by far the most processing power?

Impossible to say. Why? Because Sony's performance figures show non game processing speed and Microsofts show game running speeds. The Terra figures Sony shows are not game thearetical performance. M$'s are.

- Which system can perform more shader ops per second?

Ps3. Not by much. But I'll then ask you which system is capable of running more complex shaders?

- Which system can hold far more data on disc?

PS3 I'll ask you has it made any difference to my gaming?

- Which system has a default harddrive for every potential game to take advantage of for streaming combined with easily predictable streaming speeds which can be much better optimised for?

PS3. I ask you which system does not force you to install, provides a better online shopping experience and better online experience?

Technically it's easy to see the PS3 is the well more powerful console, to understand some problems developers are facing you will have to dig deeper for the roots.

I ask you which system has a graphics card which is future proofed for tommorows DX10 effects and which system doesnt. Also which system has a significantly higher specced GPU. (love the way you left that out.)