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Sky Render said:
Sure you can. It's more than possible, in fact. The thing is that Nintendo goes to great lengths to come up with the innovations first. Ever notice how every single Wii peripheral has an NES equivalent? This process of elimination of options for potential competition is nothing new to them; it's their method of market security. You'd have to come up with something that completely blindsides Nintendo and gives an even more unique gameplay experience than anything the Wii and DS can offer to outdo them at this point. And about as far as anybody can figure for that at this point would be virtual reality done in an affordable fashion.

I'm not so sure about it. Virtual Realty IMO is intimidating because is a too heavy fleed from reality ( the wiimote greatness is that can be immediately understand by anyone that has ever use a stick ).

Who can be the early adopters ? I think that because of its intimidating nature they would be core gamers but the problem is that an "affordable fashion" design will be seen by many of them ( higher tiers ) like cheap.

However a virtual reality system could be add new values in term of immersion the problem is that in this industry it is the software that is disruptive and I don't see who can produce it and how it will be ( but it is normal ).

Gyroscope is an old technology what made Wii the phenomenon like it is , is Nintendo know how ( Nintendo is a natural disruptor of Interactive Entertainment Industry ).

Another problem with a virtual reality system is the marketing: how the hell do you advertaise it ? It was the same problem faced by Nintendo with Virtual Boy ( althought it wasn't a real vierual reality system ).


 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.