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I agree with most of the recent analysis. I am sure if this poll could be retaken today, over 80% of voters would say that the Switch will eventually outsell the PS4. If Sony were serious about pushing PS4 sales they should have cut the price by now. Once we get to January, the PS4 will probably be struggling to break 50k per week and will probably flat-line by the end of the 2021: the console has lost its momentum. If left without another price cut, the PS4 will not even make it to 120M units. The Switch, on the other hand, is already on track to easily sell 120M units and that is assuming no price-cut, pro-model or major new releases such as BotW2 that will generate massive hype. I also do not see Nintendo being as eager to pull the plug on the Switch as they were back in the Wii days. Nintendo understands the risk of releasing new platforms and after the Wii U I doubt that they are going to want to push out a totally new console until they have to. It is more likely that they will push out faster or lower cost revisions of the Switch like they did with the 3DS. Keep in mind that Nintendo has only a single platform now and so the risk is a lot bigger with quickly killing their console and releasing something totally new.  Also, we don't even have a codename for Nintendo's new console which usually comes 2-3 years before launch which tells me that Nintendo is nowhere near done with the Switch.  It will easily pass 120M and can probably even get to 150M when you consider that folks may want to re-buy the faster models.