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Dreams. Like... I know why people have it on a pedestal. The idea behind Dreams is beautiful and with limitless potential. But one thing is what it could be on paper... and another what it actually is. And right now, Dreams is nothing more than an ocean made out of thousands of unfinished projects, proofs of concept for different videogame genres, inferior copies of already existing franchises and little games that play like shit (with a few, VERY FEW exceptions). And honestly, I'm not surprised at all. There is a reason why not a single fan project made on Dreams has accomplished even a fraction of the quality that Art's Dream displayed (the game Media Molecule created). And the reason is: no matter how the enthusiasts and critics say that with Dreams making your own videogames is easier than ever... it's still incredibly difficult. It's not user friendly at all. Maybe compared to an actual game engine it is. But for for average players, it's not nearly enough. Dreams doesn't do a good job at allowing anyone create the videogame they always dreamed of. If anything, Dreams just helps frustrating people because it reminds them how hard and almost impossible it is to make their dreams come true.