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Here is my Year in Review: 

(Most played games of last year: Super Mario Maker 2, Tales of Vespera: Definitive Edition, Final Fantasy IX, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Astral Chain) 

Overall, I'm pretty happy with what I played this year and the amount of hours I spent on my Switch. I'm pretty sure with 2020 and 2019 combined I'm already at about as many hours as I had on my total PS4 playtime which I started in December of 2013 ... 7 years ago  

I do wish that Phoenix Wright would have climbed over FFVII, if it wasn't for the fact that you can kind of soft lock certain cases I'd probably have finished AA2 by now and maybe even AA3 which would probably put it at about as many hours as Xenoblade DE. Also wish Paper Mario got into my top 5 most played, think it's just barely under the Ace Attorney collection.