dmillos said:
Wow! Thank you @RolStoppable ! Thank you for sharing this data with me. It took me a little while, but I think it has some cool information. Regarding the conversation we are having about Nintendo Legs, there are two consoles here that are amazing, the NES and the Gameboy. Both have a little bit of an asterix besides them, but in any way both of them sold a lot, for a long time! |
I see you are doing a lot of analysis of the data, especially what percentage of sales come during a system's 2nd 60 months. I would ask that you look at the year each of these systems had their sales peak. I think you will find a strong correlation here. The systems that peak later tend to have a greater % of sales in the second 60 months.
I am saying this because Switch is obviously peaking later than most Nintendo systems. If Switch is peaking this year, then we can still expect a large % of sales to be in the second 60 months.
curl-6 bet me that PS5 + X|S sales would reach 56m before year end 2023 and he was right.
My Bet With curl-6
My Threads:
Master Thread, Game of the Year/Decade
Switch Will Be #1 All Time
Zelda Will Outsell Mario (Achieved)
How Much Will MH Rise sell?
My Bet With Metallox