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Friday news, the second, and also long, part:

Windjammers 2 is delayed until 2021 so developers can add rollback netcode
Windjammers 2, the sequel to the 1994 Neo-Geo digital frisbee game, was announced in 2018, with launch expected to take place in 2019. But when 2019 rolled around it was pushed into early 2020, and now that we're in the final stages of late 2020, it's been delayed again, to sometime in 2021.

Call of Duty: Warzone is getting a major facelift in Cold War Season 1
Call of Duty is about to make a bit of history. On December 16, Call of Duty: Cold War and Call of Duty: Warzone are joining into one mega military Voltron. Everything from player ranks, weapon progression, battle passes, and weapons themselves will be completely shared across the two games. To commemorate the occasion, Warzone is getting a ton of additional weapons and a new (ugly) coat of paint.

Check out Warzone's next map in the Call of Duty: Cold War Season 1 gameplay trailer
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War Season 1, kicking off December 16, is gearing up to be one of the biggest days for all things CoD in a long time. In addition to new Cold War maps and modes, Warzone is also getting its first new map since launching in March: Rebirth Island. Check out the map in the Season 1 gameplay trailer above that premiered at The Game Awards 2020.

Telltale confirms The Wolf Among Us 2 is still happening, but it's going to be awhile
It was one year ago, almost to the day, that the reconstituted Telltale Games announced at The Game Awards that The Wolf Among Us 2 is happening. There wasn't much to see at the time, just a brief teaser of Bigby in a poorly-lit hotel room being asked for help by someone off-screen, but the mere fact of its existence was enough to stir up excitement.

Devolver Digital reveals a retro-style action-adventure called Loop Hero
Devolver Digital made an appearance at The Game Awards tonight with a trailer for Loop Hero, a very retro-styled adventure game about a fantasy realm that's been thrown into an endless time loop by an evil lich.

Century: Age of Ashes is a PvP dragon combat game coming in February
Hope you like dragons: One of hte first games announced at this year's Game Awards is Century: Age of Ashes, a "multiplayer dragon battle game" coming in early 2021.

Medieval multiplayer heist game Hood: Outlaw & Legends is coming in May
In August, Focus Home Interactive unveiled a new game of multiplayer medieval heists called Hood: Outlaw & Legends. As the title suggests, there's an element of the Robin Hood legend to it, but instead of just one band of merry men there are a whole bunch of them, and they're all looking to rob from the rich at the same time—and they don't mind getting their hands dirty in the process.

Back 4 Blood is basically Left 4 Dead 3
We didn't get to play Left 4 Dead 3, one of the oft-rumored Valve projects that never quite materialized. But it seems we'll get it in another form—Back 4 Blood, a cooperative shooter that walks and talks exactly like we'd expect a L4D to, created by some of the game people that birthed Left 4 Dead back in 2008.

Survival shooter Scavengers is now playable in beta
Back in September we wrote about an early playtest for Scavengers, a hybrid survival game and multiplayer shooter first announced back in 2018. Now Scavengers is open to a much larger group of players with a beta that's live right now, as announced at The Game Awards.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide gets nasty with chainswords in its Game Awards trailer
Vermintide developer Fatshark dropped a new trailer for Warhammer 40,000: Darktide at The Game Awards today, painting a much clearer picture of what the co-op Chaos-slasher is going to look like. Along with a great cinematic, we also get a glimpse of the first-person action, with chainswords cutting through bones and limbs. Lovely stuff!

Forza Horizon 4 is getting a Cyberpunk 2077 vehicle tomorrow
Forza Horizon 4 is getting a new car tomorrow, and if you've ever dreamed of cruising the verdant green countryside of England in a cyberpunk eyesore, you're going to be pleased. As rumoured overnight, the Quadra Turbo-R V-TECH from Cyberpunk 2077 is coming to the open world racer.

Disco Elysium is getting more story, characters, and full voice acting as a free upgrade
Last year at The Game Awards, Disco Elysium came away with four well-served trophies, winning the RPG, Narrative, Independent Game, and Fresh Indie Game categories. This year, its creators Za/um used The Game Awards to announce Disco Elysium: The Final Cut, coming in March of next year.

Warframe gets Unreal Tournament weapon skins to celebrate its launch on the Epic Games Store
Warframe creator Digital Extremes and Epic Games have a storied history: they co-created Unreal and Unreal Tournament back in the late '90s. Eventually, the two studios parted ways, with Digital Extremes becoming a mid-tier work-for-hire developer before gambling and finding big success on Warframe. But now both Epic and Digital Extremes are having a little reunion.

Endless Dungeon is a new roguelike set in Amplitude's Endless universe
I love Dungeon of the Endless, a strange mix of roguelike dungeon crawler and tower defense from the makers of strategy games Endless Space and Endless Legend. Apparently Amplitude doesn't have quite the whole studio working on its next game, Civilization competitor Humankind, because it's also making Endless Dungeon, a successor to Dungeon of the Endless.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.