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Mummelmann said:

Gotta say I'm disappointed in them. Not just due to the state of the game at release, but the fact that they've made a name for themselves proving AAA developers wrong and making fun of the industry and its various, terrible practices, with the release of unfinished games being among these.

My decision to wait about six months or so seems to have been a good one.

I just think they were delaying for a while, but then with the whole review embargo and not wanting leaked footage, it just feels like they cared more about getting that sweet 90 meta score over most people being able to play the game at 60fps. I would have been dandy had I been able to play this locked at 60fps, but even their own vsync options are wonky (like 72fps, 45 fps locks, really?).

I've been going over multiple youtuber settings, even those who sport a 1080ti like myself, and not much works. It also doesn't help that their in-game graphics settings do not come with the "apply" button, meaning you actually have to save the game, exit it completely and boot it up again for it to really take proper effect. CDPR really dropped the ball on this.

I've bought the game now and I'm past the refund window, so I'll probably just go back to playing WoW with the missus. Wait around 6 months and maybe play the game again, but as it currently stands, it plays worst than most FPS/RPG games I've played in years, performance wise. I can even play ESO, a janky MMO better than 2077. Having to turn down nearly everything to low just makes the game look like something from 7th gen, and even that doesn't improve perf.

JEMC said:

Was any of The Witcher games not buggy at launch? I don't see why this one would have been different.


I wonder what they could be for...

So glad someone on their team has love for 90's action movies like Demo man 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"