Mnementh said: PS4 and PS Vita launch week was >300K. PS5 has amassed in three weeks a 213K lifetime. If that is a shortage, than Sony is showing japanese gamers the middle finger. If it is not a shortage, then it is the other way around. Either way, not a good omen for the Playstation brand in Japan. |
This is what I was thinking. Not sure if Sony doesn't care about Japan or if Japan doesn't care about Sony. However, there are no PS5 titles in the top 10. I don't think that is a good sign.
curl-6 bet me that PS5 + X|S sales would reach 56m before year end 2023 and he was right.
My Bet With curl-6
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Switch Will Be #1 All Time
Zelda Will Outsell Mario (Achieved)
How Much Will MH Rise sell?
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