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PotentHerbs said:

Misquoting MK8 sales is still less of a travesty than you boasting about 50 Million lifetime sales. Hilarious to see you call me out for being a Sony fan when your post reeks of Nintendo fandom. 

Even with its current sales, in order for MK8 to hit 50 Million lifetime, it would need tremendous legs in 2021 and beyond. Essentially it would have to sell similarly to this year in 2021 and beyond, meaning MK8 is moving millions of units every quarter, Switch hardware and software sales don't drop year over year,  Nintendo releases absolutely nothing else until the Switch is replaced, and a potential MK9 is off the table. MK8 having legs doesn't mean it will be 2020 level legs. Or do you also expect the next BoTW or the next Mario to sell faster than Animal Crossing? It does seem like 40+ Million is possible but even then it looks like a long shot. 

Spiderman hitting 25 Million is a lot more likely than MK8 hitting 50 Million. Its one of the evergreen titles for the PS4, its a brand that is popular across various mediums that actually translates well to video games, and its family friendly. We know its above 20+ Million lifetime, most likely before this holiday season started, and was quoted at 13 Million back in August 2019 IIRC. Its routinely on sale and has two more holiday seasons to sell. Like I said, PS4 software sales aren't going to stop in 2021, especially for titles that have shown legs. It doesn't mean PS4 software sales will be better than Switch software sales in 2021. With the remaster, 35 - 40+ Million for Spiderman is on the table, depending on when Spiderman 2 releases. 

I wasn't downplaying Nintendo handheld sales. I simply stated why the comparison to consoles isn't equal due to different markets. How is acknowledging the different factors to a consoles success downplaying Nintendo IP? Its reality. I'll give Nintendo credit in that they can find some kind of novelty, such as the Wii and its motion controls, or create a new market, such as they did with the hybrid Switch console, that Sony would struggle with. But to attribute their success solely to their IP, and act like its some kind of feather in a cap when it comes to comparisons with Sony first party, that's just ignoring the market. Otherwise, the N64, Gamecube and WiiU, would have done a lot better than they have. 

God of War essentially is a confirmed figure. The NYTimes article is an interview with a Sony representative, who attributed their success to franchises like GoW (51 Million total franchise sales) & new IP's like GoT (5 Million+ by September). Another thing you're overlooking when it comes to this first party comparison is Sony has essentially birthed IP's with potential to sell over 20+ Million units in GoT & Horizon. This is happening while cultivating older IP's like GoW & Uncharted, IP's that used to tap out at 6 - 8 Million units, now becoming massively popular with recent entries in the 20 - 25+ Million range. I can see Spiderman 2 and God of War 2 hitting 30+ Million copies sold on the PS5. If I had to make a logical guess as to what Sony exclusives are at 20+ Million, I'd say Uncharted 4, God of War and Spiderman, with GoT and TLOU2 having a chance. The brand power of SIE titles is going to grow even further on the PS5. 

Misquoting MK8 sales proves you are clueless and a waste of time. You don't know anything and are still trying to act as if you do. None of what you said is needed to hit 50 million and you still fail to acknowledge its actually already beyond 37 million. You want to call TLOU a 20 million seller due to its remaster but you cant acknowledge MK8's 37 million due to the WiiU version. You are so sad, you acknowledge what remasters will do for Sony's first party but ignore MK8. How the hell is 40 million + a long shot when its already pushing 37 million? Spiderman, which you can't even prove has hit 20 million somehow has 35 to 40 million as a possibility but a game at 37 already has 50 million as a long shot? Stop lol! You are just messing with me clearly. Good jokes!

Edit: I just realized you username, very fitting. That stuff must strong to be so delusional. 

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Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 10 December 2020