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It's fun to talk about making stuff illegal, but the thought of people supporting it usually only goes that far. If you want to make stuff illegal you better also provide a plan for proper definition, enforcement and potential shadow markets emerging from it.

What scalpers do is nothing more than reselling. It's a completely legit way of making business, what do you think retailers are? They buy product for cheap and then sell it for more to end consumers. What scalpers do is definitely morally ambiguous, but they aren't the root cause, they're just a symptom. A symptom of consumerism, of hype culture, of exploitation of dwindling resources, of computer technology, of globalization, of capitalism, of human nature, of failed social systems, of failed schools, of failed moral guidance.

If you want to make it illegal then go ahead, but better make sure you do it right or else you'll invite something even worse. Also make sure to fight the root causes at the same time or else you'll never get rid of it.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.