Eagle367 said:
I've been discussing time travel myself. Spoiler! The major spoiler is the ending. Anyone with a bring can figure out that if BotW had a bad ending, that means this has a good one. That's major spoilers. And anything that requires time travel to happen is a sequel to me because you can't have the events happen without someone from the future coming to help you. If it had no time travel and a different ending, that'd be a true alternative prequel. Time travel hence sequel/spinoff for me. |
Bold: That already mean
the story changed in the past thank to the interference of the future, but it still happened in the past with different result. BOTW 2 is the true sequel of BOTW, AOC is more like what if/alternative route in the past hence i call it a new timeline/alternative prequel of BOTW. The original prequel story is about you lost the war, this story is about you win the war.
You want an alternative sequel, look at Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalyse, it continued the plot at the middle story of SMTIV and then suddenly changed the later event, brought a different outcome in SMTIV A.