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NJ5 said:

I think they'd rather keep getting Xbox Live money than winning the non-prize for 2nd place in the console war...

Remember that the more users they have, the more expensive it is to run the service, so as time goes by it will get more and more expensive.

If they realize they're getting hurt due to Sony's updates, then they can act... by default, they won't.



 Nicely done.

If there are 6-8 million gold subscribers, that makes 300-400 million dollars a year, which gives them the ability to purchase exclusive content and pay developers/engineers to improve the service.  If you think they are gonna drop that much money when people are willing to pay for it, you are incredibly naive.  And if you think people are going to stop paying for it just because PSN is managing to inch its way towards Live's features, you are doubly naive.  The people I know have loyalty to Live and will pay to play for the rest of the generation.  As long as the 360 continues to great online games, people will pay.


And the Spring dashboard update did not come because they are working on something big for the Fall.