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Runa216 said:
sales2099 said:Jesus this is long. Like a little off topic banter is ok but lol cmon this is ridiculous. Out of concern to derail the thread with mods I won’t go further with this. You just seem bitter and unwilling to see how others can like what you cant. Like GP is a big reason why Xbox has my loyalty. I’ll keep saying’d think someone in your situation would appreciate the financial benefits/appeal. It’s a little funny that I can make you be THIS descriptive off topic. I asked you to PM but I guess you relish the idea of an audience validating you. 

And Don, merely saying we seeing the seeds of what’s to come. Much better then 2019. Publishing is used by both brands now and in future. 

Jesus dude, I've said time and time again this isn't and never has been about our subjective opinions on the matter. You're allowed to like what you like and I'm allowed to like what I like. I've repeated time and time again that the contentiousness of it all comes from you translating your subjective opinions to objective predictions and there's no logic in that. I love bloodborne/Dark Souls/Sekiro but those are niche titles. as a result, PS5's Launch was great because Demon's Souls is great, but it's not gonna be a mega-seller like Miles Morales. 

I just...either you're not actually listening to a single thing I've said or you concede that your points have no real weight and the only way you can argue is if you turn it into some misguided discussion on preferences, a discussion I have plenty interest in joining but not here. I'd be happy to talk about what you like on Xbox and what I like on Nintendo/Playstation, that is fun and interesting, but that's not what this is about - a fact I've repeated too many times to count. and yes, this is on topic because one of the reasons I get grumpy with Microsoft IS their microtransactions and overall views towards the that video...that you certainly didn't watch. 

I’m allowed to have predictions and be excited for what’s to come. If you take issue with me being “certain” of it then tough luck. 

There is a clear difference in how each company handles their first party. GP, essential to Xboxs plans, nullifies the upfront cost, Sony still demands you pay full price day 1. This must be taken into consideration. In theory I save more money then you despite paying for some mtx here and there, can’t ignore this fact. 

It also comes down to a fundamental difference between a single player only game and a campaign/multiplayer with free content and active support. Which yes, offer optional and cosmetic mtx to compensate for said free content/updates. What’s important is that these games do it right. Not pay to win, no loot boxes, and frivolous in nature. Pretty sure GT7 will have post launch pricing for extra content, as will LOU2 MP if its anything like the first. Works both ways. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.