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Runa216 said:
DonFerrari said:

I would say his problem with you isn't you being optimistic, is you determining certainty and bragging.

It is completely different being confident that with the new studios MS will be able to push a lot more great games (be them exclusive or not), another thing is to be certain that they will outperform Sony with the number, quality and sales of said games. Similar to the discussions I have to the specs of Xbox and PS5, anyone saying they were confident MS would have the most powerful because it was important to the company and they would invest a lot in it I would be fine accepting, the ones that said it was certain thing (as if MS could control what Sony do or had spies to know what Sony would do and them come above) were the ones I had issues with.

Pretty much this. That with one small addition that he's saying all this in spite of the data trending in the opposite way. that'd be like me brashly and confidently bragging about how much better myspace is doing than facebook...because they recently made some acquisitions and I liked their layout better. Like sure, maybe they'll come back and I'm allowed to like myspace for sure, but to speak such outlandish nonsense without any real proof aside from hope is's bad conversation. It's not conducive to any sort of common area or middle ground. 

He's acting like his chosen brand has already won a war where it's vastly outnumbered and hasn't won a battle in years. It's foolish and frustrating. Everyone's allowed opinions, but there seems to be a distinct unwillingness to accept objective facts and history in lieu of his hopes and dreams for the company. Optimism is fine, but don't bring opinions to a fact fight, or something, you know? 

Xbox right now is in a pretty good spot despite losing to Sony last gen. And again I said we all ready seeing the seeds of it...10 games in 2020 with only one going below 70 on metacritic. 2 games 90 or above. Sure they aren’t all AAA bangers but it’s certainly promising. If you so sure of yourself, then don’t be such a Debbie Downer if you the winner. 

And @Don, if my optimism due to the massive studio acquisitions is mistaken as certainty then so be it. I’m simply excited and can’t wait to show it. By contrast my problem with him is the rude smug superiority complex who almost comically can’t compute how Xbox fans even exist. It’s guys like him that make me who I am here. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.