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zero129 said:
DonFerrari said:
zero129 said:
DonFerrari said:
smroadkill15 said:

I would guess you can see why you think he is biased right?

The Codemaster did shoot down, when he say both SDKs were on similar situation "on hot", then it can't be used to justify Xbox multiplat performing worse because the SDK was less mature.

And about missing features on the MS SDK, are you going the route of only MS SDK will improve over time and the same stuff that was said for Xbox the whole gen but never came to fruition? Because let's remember that this gen X1 was always underperforming compared to PS4 and no amount of secret sauce, DX12, and all the rest that was said to close the gap and show Xbox was stronger ever showed up.

Changing what i said much? putting words in my mouth?.

Read over what i said again no where did i say only MS's SDK will improve over time. Or anything about secret sauce..

In fact its that dev from in your OP ali something? that says pretty much "Its only Sony consoles that improve over time".

So maybe thats where your getting the mistake? and yes that is pretty biased on his part. Like i said no wonder it was removed, after he looked over it again and seen some of his inconsistency's he prob felt pretty dumb.

Your putting words in the dev's mouth.... or didnt read what was said in the interview properly.

He did not say "only playstation SKD will improve overtime" or how developers take advantage of them.
He said, he doesnt believe the differnce (in performance) will shrink, due to say Xbox devs getting better at useing the SKD over time vs the PS5 one.

Thats massively differnt than what your saying he said (after complaining about putting words in peoples mouths).

Basically both units are about equal, in terms of performance, according to this dev at Crytek, from back in April.