zero129 said:
DonFerrari said:
smroadkill15 said:
The dev is talking about ease of use, not power. Series X is still more powerful regardless of how anyone spins it. The devkits are easier to use for PS5 than Series X, hence why devs were complaining about getting dev kits late from MS, so likely Xbox is lagging behind in that sense. At the end of the day, the difference between both consoles were always going to be minimal and that is how it has turned out. Just like how everyone was saying ps5 SSD is 100% faster than Xbox and we would see loading times twice as fast on ps5, but looking at real world examples it ends up being 1-3 seconds difference or Series X loading faster in cases. | for the SDK being late, basically Codemaster dev denies it and say both devkits were hot and the difference would be dev experience with them (and well you can't say they didn't had time to adapt to DirectX12), unless you want to say Sony SDK are better.And the interview the dev in OP talks about power and how to use it, and that even though on paper Xbox is stronger 12>10 but if that can't be used because of other aspects of the HW limiting it use (besides tool and experience) you may end up not touching that difference. And goes on to say that what he expect is that Xbox due to the higher CU and Tflop will push pixels easier but other aspects of IQ on the game PS5 may have an advantage due to the customizations. |
He goes on the brag a lot more about PS5 then that and his bias is as clear as day no wonder his original post was removed. I mean just look at some of his topics. "Doesn't this difference decline at the end of the generation, when developers become more familiar with the Series X hardware? No, because the PlayStation API generally gives devs more freedom, and usually at the end of each generation, Sony consoles produce more detailed games. For example, in the early seventh generation, even multi-platform games for both consoles performed poorly on the PlayStation 3. But late in the generation Uncharted 3 and The Last of Us came out on the console. I think the next generation will be the same." This is just too funny so Only PS5 can expect such improvements at the end of the gen.. But this next part is what makes it even more funny and showes his bias. "Could the Hyperthreading feature included in the X series be the Microsoft's winning ace at the end of gerneration? Technically, hypertheading has been on desktop computers since Pentium 4, and each physical core considers the CPU as two virtual cores, and in most cases helps with performance. Does the Series X feature allow the developer to decide for themselves whether they want to use these virtual cores or turn them off with more CPU clocks? And that's exactly what you're saying. It's not exactly a big deal to make a local decision from the start, so the use of hyperthreading is likely to be used at later time of the generation not at first." Yep. The is so much more that can be pointed out in that post to show how biased he is but ill leave anyone else who wants to look to decide for themselfs. Also Don That guy from Codemasters didnt shoot down anything. Please show where he said MS XDK was fully developed and not just that its "Still good as it is". If anything if its this good compared to Sonys SDK and its early that should be a good thing right?. I mean when he is literally asked are things missing in the MS GDK that he would like to use he says Yes but i cant tell you about that yet... |