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Mine are in no real order but you can do your own. Btw this means no ports from Wii U or otherwise.

Xenoblade 2

Controversial to say but I like this more than the first game. I played the original on Wii in 2011. Loved it. 2 is a little more lighthearted. I think it has a better OST. A more fun battle system story and characters. It's not as original as the first but overall I found it more fun. Plus all the nods to past Xenoblade games and Xeno series from Saga to Gears (Zeke gets a costume to look like Bart) 300 hours I put into it.

Astral Chain

This game in both mechanics. Menu styles. Moves are all nods to past Platinum games. Nier, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, and more. Top it off it has a very 80s anime setting to me anyway. Its story is right out of Neon Genesis Evangelion. It's NGE with Stands instead of mechs. The music is fantastic. One of the best looking games on Switch as well. Bump it up to 1080P and 60FPS and this may as well be a PS4 quality game. If I were to give any advice to new players. Mission 8. You can skip all the side activities despite the game telling you not to lol. Since I keep replaying missions. Over 100 hours even tho it's a 20-hour game.

Daemon X Machina

Shocker a mech game for me. For reasons, I don't know. Mech games like this and Armored Core don't review well very often unless it has a name like Kamiya or Kojima next to it. Despite that. The game is fun as hell. I love the deep customization of both character and mech at any point in the game. Built to your playstyle. Keep several load-outs. It's a simpler version of Armored Core. A little Zone of the Enders and some Armored Core with some anime thrown in. The story is kinda dumb tbh. Has great visuals for the Switch thanks to its high contrast cel-shading style. Fast-paced action mech fun. OST is hit and miss, I'm not a fan of that kinda rock. Still 180 hours later. I love going back to this game. I even try making mechs from other games like White Glint from AC. Jehuty. Metal Wolf Chaos. MUSHA. Psyvariar 2 and more. It's a game for a specific audience and you really like these kinds of games or don't. I adore them.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!