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NJ5 said:
Kyros said:
Still different tasks: The GPU only supports a small set of work-unit types. The CELL is more flexible and normal CPUs can do all work tasks (but slower).

^ Listen to him, he's right. Those TFLOPS numbers are apples to oranges, in FAH's case they favor the more specialized hardware (GPUs over Cell's SPEs over PC CPUs).


Whilst its true, we have to wait until at least direct x 11 before we see any real gains here. The current card - RV770 produces 100gflops of the scientifically useful double precision variety. Which is about 5 times what the cell can do.

Theres going to be billions of dollars poured into this race in a 4 way shootout for control of this market. Amd vs Intel vs Nvidia vs IBM. AMD and Nvidia already have a multi-billion dollar GPU market for their goods and the Cell uptake hasn't been that great so far. So I would pick one of those two rather than Intel or IBM at present.

Coming soon - 4+32 cell vs the next generation Direct x 11/12 GPU hardware vs Larrabe - Many core X86.

