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Basically, over the next few weeks I've got myself a job in which I'd be earning myself a grand. Just as the job finishes, I'm also going to America where I can make use of the shitty dollar and fill me some suitcases.

Now, I'm already planning on getting:

PSP GoW Edition
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters

2 DS3 controllers
Battlefield: Bad Company
Heavenly Sword
The Darkness
Possibly DMC4/Burnout/Folklore

This all comes to around £200 leaves me with ~£800 to spend

I'm also planning on spending around $400 (£200) on clothes whilst I'm out there, leaving me with ~£600 ($1,200), but I don't know what to spend it on.

My phone is fairly old (k750i) but I love it, and I'm not a big phone user, anyways. I'm loving my PC and I'm not upgrading any components until next year, I could do with a HDTV in my room, but I'm not sure if I want to drop all of my cash on one item that I don't really need.

I was looking into the Zune a few months ago, however I already have an 80gb iPod (5.5g), any advice on that area?

So, any ideas?