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I know, hard to believe.  However, I went to both CC and BB near my house today and both had completely sold out of PS3's (was going to go buy one at CC today).  I had stopped in BB last week on thursday to judge what a sales kid there thought about the likely hood of a price drop.  He told me then that it's just wishful thinking and that there is no way a drop of $100 would increase sales much if at all and that there was no way they'd sell out the 82 ps3's they had before the weekend. 

 First I stopped at CC, since they have the deal with the free controller when buying the system, and came to find out that they were sold out.  The sales person there told me they had just a tad under 60 when he last worked on saturday, and they had sold the bulk of them today (Monday), and were completely out.    Out of curiousity, i decided to stop by the BB that is a few doors down and came to see only a stack of 360's on the floor.  They had completely sold out of PS3's there as well.  

 Has anyone else noticed a big jump in PS3 sales today that works for electronics stores in the States?  

 /Please don't flame, I am just reporting on what I saw today in two stores near my home.  Just looking for honest feedback and not the trolls.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.