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TheLegendaryBigBoss said:
The attacks are very sad to hear, horrific, but why make these cartoons/depictions in the first place since it's guaranteed to cause anger and tension?

Because your free to choose to do so.
Its a freedom, your allowed in alot of the world.

The freedom to speak or say, or joke about things you want to.
If you want to draw muhammed, as a joke, to make fun of terrorists your allowed to do so.

Its human nature, to shame or make fun of bad people.
Or to try and make a bad situation seem less bad, by useing humor.

So there are jokes, that depict muhammed.
Cartoons if you will.

"why make these cartoons"

Because muslims are a small minority in alot of these countries.
They shouldnt be allowed to force us to change our ways, or to use fear to make us change.

Alot of democracies beleive freedom of speach is as much a right, as say freedom of religion.

If you cannot make jokes about muhammed.
Next maybe you cannot practis free legion either? If you start removeing freedoms, its not unthinkable.

This is what happended in china.
Chinese goverment think some muslims are tooo insane in their thinking.

They kidnap these people and force them into "re-educational schools" (prisons).
Or just outright kill them.

This is what muslim terrorists want.
They want a relgion war, so they can die in a holy war, thinking they go to heaven.
So they are provokeing other nations that arnt majority muslims, by killing people there.
These drawings of muhammed are just a excuse, to go kill people.

All it takes is another Hilter, that hates muslims (instead of jews) and we have a new world war, with a cleanseing of muslims from the western world.