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Social drinker which means last time I had any alcohol was all the way back in march. Favorite drink is ether Belgian or Dutch style beer, with a Quadrupel being my favorite. My top 2 would be St. Bernardus ABT 12 followed by Ommegang Three Philosophers. Both expensive and probably not going to find it in a restaurant so in those setting I mostly just get something like a Blue Moon since it basically available anywhere.

Back when I was in my early 20's over a decade ago was more of a moderate/heavy drinker and prefer hard liquor whiskey, vodka etc. Those days are long behind me and I no longer have the tolerance I had back then and even moderate drinking these days would mean I not going to want to do anything the next day. It just not worth feeling that way or putting my body through that anymore. I think last time I drank enough to be drunk was about 5 years ago.