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Man Bravely Default 2 looks bad, honestly, what is up with the art style. In comparison to the first two (heh) where they were cutesy games putting chibi art styles on painting-esque backdrops, the different components just don't mix. What worked about the aesthetics of the 3DS games where how they kind of acknowledged the characters as if they were tiny actors on a small stage. Now the proportions are not only much larger, but the characters look super plasticy and are juxtaposed on hyper-realistic environments and clothing models.

I really don't get it, man, it's like every lesson you could learn from aesthetic design with Bravely Default and Second Layer was written down, and then the team thought "let's do the exact opposite of this!"

Edit: Also wow that dub is fucking bad. 

Last edited by AngryLittleAlchemist - on 28 October 2020