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OS Type Current TFLOPS* Active CPUs Total CPUs
Windows 200 210498 2074291
Mac OS X/PowerPC 7 8419 116953
Mac OS X/Intel 27 8632 52888
Linux 74 43460 314731
GPU 895 8139 16013
PLAYSTATION®3 1335 47352 549907
Total 2538 326500 3124783

As you can see - GPUs produce 4 times the achieveable Tflops per CPU that the PS3 does and thats without the latest Teraflop cards from AMD/Nvidia fully online yet. *4850/70 etc*

Within a year I would expect the numbers for the GPU client to be at least 4 times higher than the PS3 client.

It looks like PCs will reign supreme in the floating point areas of computing if IBM/Sony/Toshiba don't do something about it soon.
