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Rock_on_2008 said:
I thought some people on this site claimed Wii Fit would outsell the Bible and result in attach rates for Wii of 80% of Wii Fit sold per Wii console.
Wii Sports is like 95% attach rate with every Wii console, it helps it comes with every Wii sold.

I know like some people who think God of War III will sell 10 mln. I'm just messing with you rock on. I just thought it was ironic seeing criticism of  predictions from you. Anyway I think it would be a close call. Wii Fits sales seem to halted in japan, but they seem to have a constant rate in the other regions, and also seem to be contrainted by supply.

@ Op Well I expected as much since Grand Turismo is a very very popular franchise. Actually isn't it sony's biggest?