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NightlyPoe said:
sethnintendo said:

Okay my bad.  I'll stay on our off topic.  Yes the small riots that have occurred during the protest have destroyed property and it is a shame.  There are bad apples on both sides.   Biden has called out those that riot so I see no issue here.  Fact is there are mainly peaceful protest yet agitators from both sides make it seem worse.  You see democrats can denounce riots yet the only thing trump can tell the proud boys is to stand back and stand by.  

Rated False.

Trump did as asked by Chris Wallace and told the Proud Boys to stand down (even though he apparently didn't even know who they were).  He further confirmed that he denounced white supremacists three times.

Biden denied the existence of antifa as anything more than an idea.

Conclusion.  Trump was willing to denounce radicals and do as the moderator asked and tell them to go away.  Biden was not.  Biden's response was the troubling answer, not Trump's.

Further conclusion.  The media lies to our faces.

Bonus conclusion.  The video tape clearly shows the teenager was being attacked and was retreating as adults were attacking him.  Barring any evidence that the teenager started the conflict, and it appears not as the inciting incident is reportedly trying to put out a fire, all homicide charges against him should be dropped immediately as video evidence makes it an obvious and incontrovertible act of self-defense.

I'll be clear I have no problem with protesters except if they do stupid shit like block highways, destroy property or anything else out of line.  I think people of far left and far right are bat shit crazy.

I didn't see the debate because I work second shift and after hearing it was a shit show in cleveland I decided not to even bother.   Biden has denounced rioters.  Yes little troubling he didn't denounce antofa but you know who the biggest threat is to usa.   It's the far right.  The FBI even acknowledges far right extremist are biggest domestic terrorist threat.

My point about that kid was sure he was attacked but he chose to go to that city and wear an ar15.  He is a wannabe police officer and couldn't even defend himself without a weapon.  If you can't fight with your own fists get the fuck off the street is my opinion.