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Buying day infinite, as in most likely won't. I have lost faith in this game and the developer.

I was going to wait for a next gen version anyway. Cyberpunk setting should be very pretty in HDR. However the game play doesn't look all that good and CDPR has burned their bridges. First by delaying not long enough so everyone had to scramble and cancel their summer holiday plans, after already working very hard to meet the original deadline. And now they tack some more mandatory overtime on top.

From a no crunch promise to mishandling the project leading to over a year of crunch. I don't believe for one second there was no crunch until now, it typically starts many months before the original release date and keeps going for day one patch and DLC. And in the case of Cyberpunk, they still have to work on next gen and multiplayer once the single player is out the door.