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joshin69 said:
Here in the UK for a ling time the PS3 was thought of as a joke. That is changing slowly. For me though its the xbox that is the joke. Three times they have claimed that RRoD has been fixed (and some gullible fools have believed them every time) only for similar numbers of machines to start basking in the red lights. That is the real joke. I still think the 360 has a year to a year and a half before the real pain of this joke is felt. The end of the 3 year Warranty will really start kicking in about then.

 Ok let me state my point in a more direct and obvious way. Anecdotal evidence is entirely worthless and can't be used to accuratly predict anything. What you have is anecdotal evidece. What I listed is anecdotal evidence. What Mafoo typed was anecdotal evidence. It is all nearly worthless.


Bundle 360 with COD 4 and Gears of War. That would be the best two game bundle.

 Oddly, that bundle would actually decrease my desire to buy the system. While I wouldn't be paying for them technically, they would never get played. I feel bad having games that are never used, so I guess I instinctively try to avoid collecting more of them.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229