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NightlyPoe said:
vivster said:

Ah yes, let's have a proponent of a church led state be the arbiter of a constitution that explicitly forbids it.

That's as if you would make people who have fun harming others police officers tasked to protect people. Oh wait.

Would you care to provide any evidence that she is a proponent of a church-led state?

sethnintendo said:

Great a die hard catholic gets rammed through senate right before election. Mitch the turtle can go fuck himself.

Is anti-Catholic bigotry really going to be the sum of the Democrat response?

Get ready to be reminded of Article VI: Clause 3 of the Constitution: "but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

I'm not just anti catholic.   I'm anti almost all religion. She could be mormon for all I care and my view still wouldn't change.  Actually I'd probably make fun of her more if she was mormon.  Just barely looking into her past she is just someone that Notre Dame college put all their backing behind to try to advance her career to eventual highest court.  Looks like their strategy has worked.

Least I can say I don't belong to an organization that supported and hid pedophile priest that molested and raped little boys for the past centuries.

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 26 September 2020