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Intrinsic said:
yvanjean said:
Sony is selling you a remastered Demon's Souls for $69.99 on PS5. Remastered is a quick cash grab, can be outsourced, and a cash cow. Playstation Plus Collection is just there to soften the blow for long time Sony fan to go with the $399 PS5 All digital edition. If you enhance your game and offer them in a subscription or offer digital backward compatibility you kill the remastered business.

I don't think you know what remastered is.

And i don't think you understand just why and how a subscription model for gaming is not sustainable. And is not something MS would be doing at all if things were a little... different. And if yu really think about it, it would make sense o you too. But let help you along a bit say thereare20M people paying for GP every month. And these 20M pays an average of 10 months in a year (because people will not pay every single month). That's $2B from GP/year. Now deduct whatever it cost them to maintain the service, the cost to secure the non-first party games on the service, the cost to market it..etc. What's left? Lets say $1B (and this being generous). 

Now imagine that MS makes 4 AAA games a year that cost an average of $80M (some cot more, some cost less), that's $320M to make those 4 games. Now imagine that each game can sell 12M copies in a 12 Month window. And they are sold at an average price of $55 (some buy at $70, some at $60, some at $50 and some at $40). Thats $2.6B+ from just those 4 games. So they make from just 4 AAA games that can sell to around 12M people over 12 months more money than they would make from 20M people paying for GP for 1 year. They turn a $320M investment into a $2.4B return vs a $1B investment into a $1B return (if even that much).

And you really can't see why its a bad business model? And this is just one of many issues I touched on before.

Anyways... called it. This was exactly what I said and have been saying about this. Its not a sustainable business model.

Remastered and remake are cheap low cost, low risk, and high reward business. Sony is selling Demon's Souls for $69.99, at the end of the day, that game will be pure profit.  

I have always said in the past that I worry about the game pass model. Just for the reason that you mention. We will be at the mercy of what Microsoft makes but I can always opt-out and stop supporting them. For now, it's just a great value and business model. 

You touch on the negative but fail to look at the positive of game pass model. I normally never buy a game around the release date because I don't like paying full price for a game that will be discount soon after release if I wait a few months. Also, I'm not going to drop money on a game that I may or may not like. But, with Gamepass you don't have to worry about this anymore. You don't have to wait for a price drop when a game release because you already own game pass and can play every new release at no extra cost. Also, any game you may of not want to drop money on you get to try and play for free and this has allowed me to play some great game that I would of otherwise never played. It is a sustainable business model just like Netflix, the more people that join the program the more money they can put in the content. How do you grow game pass, you will have to make content for everyone. You will start getting more niche games to attract all kinds of customers. In the current model, developers are always afraid to invest in new IPs since they might not recover their costs. Under the game pass model, new IPs will help grow the business model. 

We the gamer can also support games that we really like on gamepass. I never had to pay to play, Sea of Thieves since I got it from day 1 on gamepass. But, when they added microtransaction to the store, you have no problem dropping some cash to support a game that you love. As long as, they stay away from pay to win or lock content behind a paywall when the game release. I have no problem supporting games I like with paying for future DLC and Microtransaction that is outside the cost of gamepass.