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Intrinsic said:
sales2099 said:

Yes at the core my issue is with the messaging. That and people pretending there’s no double standard here now that Sony threw their fans a curve ball. They clearly led people on and a lot of people suddenly went quiet that were not long ago ripping on Xbox for doing cross gen games. 

No need for lists, Xbox also has cross gen and fully next gen games in development. But I stand by when MS made it clear that they would do cross gen games at the start and taper off. Sony just pulled the rug out. 

Sorry man but everyone saying how Horizon would not only look better but would have worlds and whatever designed natively around the PS5, which would set it apart from Xbox cross gen. Now it’s no better, it is being built around the base PS4, even if they showed a pretty trailer compared to Halo (honestly 343 is more at fault then anything, it’s human error on their part imo). 

Fair enough... I too have a problem with sony's messaging. And I have been saying that since hat march event. Like how do you fuck up something a simple as "our system has BC for 99% of allPS4 games"? 

As far as the cross-gen thing, I don't have an issue with why they are doing it, but admit that if they went about it differently and was clear from the time when they announced those games none of this would have happened. I mean how hard is it, back in June all they had to do in addition to what they did was just say, fr HZFW and SM:MM we are still considering having PS4 versions but its not finalized yet. And done...that's it. Then add everything else is definitely going to be PS5 exclusive though.

I just have an issue with this narrative that sony somehow misled or lied o people, they didn't, they said they believe in generations, they never said they would not release a single I on the PS4 post PS5 release. And what they have done now is technically true to what they said, just not as clean... and there is no excuse on that, its messaging thing. Further ore, his is actually what sony has always done, they did release GT6 for the PS3 a month after the PS4 released anyways.

I would have considered this misleading if right up to launch they kept quiet, then you just see PS4 listings for those games on the PS store.

Wait PS5 isn’t BC with all PS4 games now? That aside I think we can agree Sony is being a little sneaky not disclosing the PS4 versions at the start.

I will say I realize it was more the fans and not Sony that ran with the narrative and now have to roll back. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.