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Intrinsic said:
0D0 said:

Agreed. The idea was to move on, but now we've got all those exclusive games on PS4.

I'm not upset tho. I'll probably play them on PS4.

Exactly. As much as I'm a PS fan, the idea of trying out the new Xbox (with better pre-order period) instead of jumping the PS4 ship seems very reasonable. Besides, there isn't many games that excited me, except GoW and FF.

I'll sleep on it, but high chance I'll be preordering an Xbox.

Full disclosure: I tried to secure a PS5 order, but no success.

So you will not buy a PS5 because 3 out of its 9 first-year games are cross-gen... but now have more reason to get an Xbox where al its games are cross-gen?

Not knocking your choices, just suggesting that you at least be consistent.

Says who? Grounded and Halo Infinite, and Psychonauts 2. Forza Horizon 5 is a maybe (not announced yet). 3 games. 

Flight Sim, Everwild, Hellblade 2, Project Mara, Avowed, Fable, State of Decay 3, Forza Motorsport are not cross gen. That’s just 1st party i won’t list the 3rd party ones that aren’t cross gen. 

Just making it clear for you. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 17 September 2020

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