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Runa216 said:
I don't understand why some people are having conniption fits about some games being cross-gen. Yeah, I know Sony said they were gunning for making the next generation feel weighty and important and I get that this is a slight change from that...

...But you all know that being willing to adapt when it's best for your business and for your customers is the better thing to do than sticking to your guns. Change and adaptation are important in literally every aspect of your life, being stagnant and unwilling to learn or change is how you get stuff like MySpace and Blockbuster. Jesus people, some of you need to learn basic economics.

Plus, some games (like Ratchet and Clank) ARE utilizing the super fast SSD and can likely only really work with the intended effect on PS5. IT's called balance.

The difference between what Sony is doing and what Microsoft is doing is that Microsoft said that ALL of their games would be cross-gen for the first few years, thus devaluing the XSX, whereas Sony - while still not as dedicated to their initial goal as some of us would like - still have games exclusive to next gen. Again, it's called balance.

Balance, change, and adaptability are all very important. circumstances change, the world changes, customer needs change, supply chains change, everything changes, this is inevitable. The best companies are the ones that are willing to change and adapt with the times to do the best they can in the current situation. This isn't even like Xbox going from stuff like Forced Kinect and Always-Online DRM to...neither of those things, since that was pretty much murder. this is Sony going from a good idea to a better or more appropriate idea.

I think this is good. It's a nice balance between pushing the value of next gen and allowing those who need it to ease into next gen by getting games on the current gen. There's no way one can argue this is a bad thing except to point and go 'SONY LIED', when that's just not what happened. They changed. They adapted. They did what was best for their customers. this isn't a bad thing, stop trying to paint it as such.

This sounds like damage control. You can’t say “we believe in generations”, show games only on PS5 and then low key slip in that they are cross gen. It makes sense, how a new install base can possibly make as much profit as a base of 110 million...but that’s not the point. Sony positioned themselves as the traditional alternative to MSs “leave nobody behind” approach. And now they are arguably worse offenders then Xbox. 

The difference between what Sony and MS are doing is that MS is transparent from the start where as Sony is being shady. Sure people like us are informed. But that damage is done and many casuals get a false message. 

You going on a nice rant saying they adapted and it’s for the greater good. That’s nice and all but what about all the flak Xbox got for their cross gen initiative? We just gonna forget about that and pretend PS fans weren’t smug and elitist? Narratives change on a dime and this is no exception. I’d appreciate you at least own up to it before you accept Sony doing a MeToo of what Xbox is doing. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.