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RolStoppable said:
sales2099 said:

Pretty good showcase.

- Demon Souls being a launch title is a nice touch, should give PS5 launch much more hype
- Spiderman MM getting a PS4 version was the right call to make, not cool gatekeeping a stand-alone expansion to next gen. On the other hand it raises the cross gen double standard that Ps fans been imposing on Xbox.
-Ff16 looks awesome. Not surprised at all it’s only on PS5. Funny seeing people throw around “Console exclusive” for Ps titles, that’s our lingo lol.
- God of War coming next year? Sooner then I thought.
- $399 is a good deal for digital. Surprised main console matching Series X at $499. Thought they go for the kill and do $450. Imo it’s weird a less powerful machine is the same price as Series X but then again I am aware Sony doesn’t care and knows their brand will see them through.

Just my thoughts as a Xbox fan, not looking for a fight. It was a good show.

Your lack of spine is deplorable. Sony deflated most of their hype with mixed messaging and price hikes on software and you come in here with a post like this. You shouldn't be allowed to call yourself an Xbox fan anymore.

See I just saw the trailers and read the news pieces summarizing all the main points of the show. I have NO idea what other people think of the showing. I don’t know what the “meta” reaction is. 

I say something that’s part my genuine take as a Xbox fan mixed with some positivity so people don’t go on a quote rampage with me.

Lol wtf is your problem? What did I miss between the lines?

Edit: I mean now that I’m processing it all they did go all “Xbox Cross gen” with Spiderman, Horizon and Sackboy. I can’t complain because that would be hypocritical but I can imagine PS fans HAVE to adjust their narrative to accept cross gen into their lives. In THAT regard I find this amusing that many PS fans who mocked cross gen are gonna he humbled fast. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 16 September 2020

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