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I dont know what is the fixation this site has with Jim Sterling tbh, I think the guy is a bit intense and obsessed over certain topics and he is not a particularly good reviewer. Regarding this topic in particular, for me personally: I dont care.
If Blizzard wants to pander to China while they are being scrutinized by the rest of the world and i wanna buy a Blizzard game, I'd still buy it. 
If Konami was treating the entire MGS team as shit but they were gonna release a new Suikoden o Castlevania game, I'd still buy it. 
If Capcom wants to put already included characters behind a paywall, well I wont buy that cause thats too much. 

Ka-pi96 said:
Player2 said:

Someone is trying to convince himself that buying yearly sports games from Electronic Arts isn't too bad.

Not really. Just willing to acknowledge the truth that every video game company puts themselves first and only cares about their customers when it benefits them.

Speaking in general terms like you are, thats every company of every industry ever in the world in every single branch of commerce. That doesnt make them "shitty", that is literally whats needs to be done for a company - any company - to exist.