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First off I'd say it never looked like Nintendo was forgetting the holidays. That's just the absurd conclusion some people came to just because we didn't know what was coming out during the holidays yet.

I think there will no doubt be at least one more holiday announcement in the coming weeks. With BotW2 clearly hitting next year after the Hyrule Warriors announcement, I'm not expecting a really major holiday title, but rather just at least one more solid first party game to be added to that lineup.

So far we have:
1. Mario 3D All-Stars which will should easily sell 10+ million games in its 6 month run, and very likely just by the end of the year.
2. Mario Kart Live which is more a kids/niche title but is a cool piece of tech
3. Pikmin 3 Deluxe which will be a smaller selling game but still a solid release added to the Fall schedule
4. Hyrule Warriors which quite frankly looks awesome and I think it'll blow out the sales of the first game. Still not a mega seller but wouldn't be surprised to see a 3-4 million sales this holiday season alone.
And I'm pretty sure we'll have at least one more announcement of another moderately big game.

With the much more solid 3rd party support Switch is getting these days, plus Mario All-Stars as a major holiday seller, plus these other moderately popular games, plus probably more games to announce, and of course AC and RFA (perhaps more so in Japan) will continue driving Switch sales, I think its not a bad holiday at all. Will be interesting to see what else Nintendo announces for the holidays.

Personally I'll for sure be picking up Mario 3D All-Stars this holiday. And I might eventually pick up Pikmin and Hyrule Warriors, probably waiting for a sale down the road.