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Some people are already starting to question the 3080's VRAM size, already asking for more. I feel like some of them are looking into VRAM as if it's the end all to be all, just like when MS was touting their VRAM with XSX and how the little squabbles began, then sometime after MS stopped touting VRAM.

yes I know it's 2gb less than my 1080ti, but it's using a new memory architecture, and has already been shown to being more efficient anyway. I'm planning to game at 1440p until 4k is an utter breeze (and texture quality for literally every object in every new game actually catches up, because I'm fed up with character models being 4k res, but rocks/objects being far less). Until then, 10gb for the 3080 will be fine for me, unless Nvidia offer a 3080ti for not that much more in price (which is highly doubtful, thus not making it worth me paying more than £100 more, because that's my absolute limit).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"