Slownenberg said:
What is this MH? Is there a confirmed new MH game coming to Switch next year? |
The's been a MH game rumoured for a while now where it was said MHW was kept off the platform but the deal didn't omit the Freedom/Portable series from being made and that a Freedom/Portable title was being made that was more closer to the likes of Generations than World, this has picked up some speed as Capcom's recent investors report told investors that a MH title that is more geared towards the high school and portable demographic is being worked on which as the series goes only Freedom/Portable were really aimed at that demographic.
The most recent rumour is from this past week where an insider (Dusk) indicates the title is close to being revealed, link below.
To elaborate on two things, Monster Hunter Switch is running on a Switch compatible version of the RE Engine, which is why I've been posting っ○ whenever I've been talking about it for the last few months, it's supposed to be the RE Engine logo.