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I can understand the TC.
Exclusives are the reason why I decide to buy a specific system instead of another.
Making those exclusive available to other systems means that the customer basicly got scammed.

But there are 3 types of gamers to differenciate
o those who buy the system regardless of exclusives
o those who have no interest in the system, no matter how many exclusives it has
o and those who buy specifically because of the exclusives and would have most likely not bought the system if the game was available elsewhere
It's only the last category which is affected and only those who already bought it. What I would recommend to that group is to not buy the system anymore.

The reason microsoft releases its games on other systems is because microsoft is on its way to leave the HC market, so they purposely destroy their own system.
I doubt sony wants to do the same.
Right now, the impact of their decisions may not be noticable yet.
But if sony continues to release first party games on pc (or other systems), hardware sales of future generations will take a substancial hit.
And with them royalties from software sales will decline and the money from their pc games wont be enough to cover for that.

In my opinion,
... 1st party games from a console manufacturer should always be exclusive.
... 3rd party games from other developers should never be exclusive (if it's not necessary).

Last edited by GamingRabbit - on 30 August 2020

Nintendo Switch:

... announced as a Home Console

... advertised as a Hybrid

... delivered as a Portable