Zkuq said:
JEMC said:
Activision removes Tiananmen Square video from Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War trailer https://www.pcgamer.com/activision-removes-tiananmen-square-video-from-call-of-duty-black-ops-cold-war-trailer/ Last week, Activision confirmed the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops – Cold War with a video built around a real-world interview with defector Yuri Bezmenov, in which he described a four-stage Soviet strategy dedicated to ending American dominance in the world: Demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization. Clips of real-world historical events—the Vietnam War, riots in the US, that sort of thing—played throughout. Earlier this week, that video was quietly deleted and replaced with one of roughly half the length. Activision gave no indication as to why the first trailer was removed, or even that it had happened, but according to South China Morning Post, it's because the original video contained a brief clip of footage from the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, an event that's heavily censored in China. The video was first replaced with one that had the clip blacked out, but at some point later the whole thing was replaced.
That's shameful.
It's the usual hypocresy of western business, not just Activision, always getting behind any social movement that can get them praise and good press, but also staying the hell out of anything that can endanger their business. And the risk of pissing off China and seeing their games banned there is too risky.
vivster said:
I tried out Ring of Pain since the words roguelike and cards are always worth a look for me.
Overall the presentation is great. Interactions are snappy and it absolutely does not waste your time with unskippable drawn out animations (looking at you, Hearthstone). Designs are great and are a mishmash of different styles that I like. The demo is quite challenging. The extremely low amount of health and the high damage enemies deal make the game a lot more strategic than luck driven. Which can be a plus, but not necessarily for me. That said, you only go through very few cycles, which means your items and buffs are very limited. There is actually some kind of story in there that you can unravel in random encounters, which could be fun. The game is actually perfect for mobile devices because the navigation are just clicks on big objects and there is not much text. That's why it's surprising to see there is no mobile version.
You could compare a lot of things with Slay the Spire but it's actually not a deck builder. It's just choice driven clicking. The closest comparison is probably Guild of Dungeoneering, but much more refined. Anyway, I'll probably get it when it releases and hope they actually have a lot more content and especially classes.
Thanks for sharing. We'll see how turns out the final product.
Please excuse my bad English.
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