Captain_Yuri said:
I will say that it does need more optimization. Like by no means is it perfect and the scaling with the cores is a bit off as the same with the GPUs. But with that being said, it's the first game where the power of the cloud is actually being used in very interesting ways like real time weather, flight data with real airplanes and other things. Then the fact that not only are the buildings rendered in 3d, but so are the cars, buses, van, trucks and it's no like just one type of a car that's repeating, the are many different kinds of cars and other vehicles. And the lighting is really good as well as the clouds. I can pretty much go on and on but this is similar to Sailing in Wind Waker. If you want to relax and fly with while looking at truly stunning visuals and sunsets, this is the game to do it. If you want to play trigger happy call of duty, this is certainly not that. |
Well, well, well, looks like someone has been fliying at low altitude to see the vehicles so well. You naughty boy.
I agree that this is a great example of how to use the cloud, but it does so with tasks that aren't sensitive to lag or latency. Still, great work.
Sadly, I tried Flight Simulator in the past and it's not the game for me. You have to pay attention to too many things, plus I don't have a joystick and this is not a game that can be played with a controller or keyboard+mouse. If I want to play a stress free game, I go with Euro Truck Simulator 2.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.