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It's too early to tell because we don't know the price of the games and the console yet, and the price is basically the only thing that matters. But based on Nintendo's past history with Brazil I'm going ahead and say no. It's probably just going to be officially imported here, meaning it won't be cheap. The games will also be expensive and never drop in price, unlike the PS4/XBO offerings. In the end it's probably not going to do very well and it won't matter much on the weekly sales.

What I'm most excited about is the prices of acessories though. I've been looking for a Pro Controller and a new pair of Joycons for a while now... And it's extremely expensive. They are hovering about R$ 750~R$ 1000 (U$ 135~180) for quite some time. Meanwhile a Dualshock 4 is "only" R$ 250 (U$ 45)... I hope prices go down since now acessories and everything will be sold officially, but I'm not holding my breath.