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shikamaru317 said:

Honestly it’s hard to say how much more expensive the PS5 SSD will be. The PS5 SSD is custom made and faster than PC SSD’s of similar size that cost about $250 at retail. Xbox Series X SSD is about the same speed as PC SSD’s that cost about $120 at retail by comparison. But those are retail prices, not manufacturing prices, hard to say what the difference in manufacturing cost is. But I think it’s safe to say that the PS5 SDD costs at least $50 more than the Series X SSD, which would offset a lot of increased cost of the Series X SoC.

Lol at all those price guesses.

The PS5 ssd is behind a SoC internal circuit which drives a proprietary controller. The actual ssd sits in front of the controller. We know it consists of twelve 64GB NVRam chips (moderate speed, nothing fancy) either on a separate pcboard, or even directly soldered onto the mainboard. No Dram chips.

The pcboard, if there is one, is 50c. To "guess" the price of the chips, you simply take a look at the semiconductor spot market and check the memory prices. These are fluctuating wildly by the hour, currently between $2 and $4 per chip. Of course, Sony doesn't pay these prices, the spot market essentially is a broker for smaller orders (from people who do not have direct access to the manufacturers).

So for the PS5 ssd itself, we roughly get 12*$2 + 50c + 50c (assembly) + <=$5 all other stuff involved = around $30.

The fact that you pay $100 for a "slow" ssd in a shop is completely irrelevant, as your ssd went through several sales stages (it's basically the ink cartridge principle, you pay $60 for a printer and $50 for a replacement cartridge).

The X1X ssd is a different thing. It is of higher capacity, entirely custom made, so MS pays whatever Seagate(?) wants. But we can safely assume that is (a little) more expensive that the PS5 ssd, for those obvious reasons.

It does make for great PR though, that Sony/MS can advertise "We have a $200 ssd in every console".