Tuesday news, part two:
Animal Farm is being turned into an adventure game
George Orwell's famous parable, Animal Farm, is getting an adventure game from The Dairymen and Reigns creator Nerial. It promises to let you "experience firsthand the corrupting nature of power," which sounds just lovely.
>> I remember the animated movie *raises fist* F*cking pigs!.
Hearthstone's next patch will nerf Kael'thas and Mindrender Illucia, plus bring a bunch of Battlegrounds changes
Last week, we shared some thoughts—with the able assistance of some notable Hearthstone pros—about which cards from the new Scholomance Academy expansion were likely to be nerfed first. Today, Blizzard announced the upcoming 18.0.2 balance patch, and it looks like we landed two predictions correctly: Kael’thas Sunstrider and Mindrender Illucia are both getting a whack from the nerf hammer, with game designer Alec Dawson noting that these changes are "focused on feels".
Fall Guys might get an 'ask me about my butthole' shirt thanks to a charity drive
Fall Guys is making waves. Not only is the adorable battle royale topping the Twitch charts and drawing as many players on Steam as GTA 5, but thanks to its popularity and a Very Online Twitter account, it's been courted hard by other brands. Corporations from Walmart to KFC have been pitching Fall Guys cosmetic ideas, hoping to squeeze their brands into the game as wearable costumes.
Piggybacking on all this corpo-attention, the Fall Guys Twitter account issued a challenge called Battle of the Brands earlier today.
>> Meanwhile, there's a new Bullet Kin costume from Enter The Gungeon.
The real Coral Castle in Florida sues Epic over the fake Coral Castle in Fortnite
Changes in Fortnite season 3 saw the whirlpool in the northwest corner of the map drained away to reveal Chez Aquaman, except instead of being called Atlantis as you might expect, it's called Coral Castle. The trouble, as Polygon points out, is that Coral Castle already exists: It's a sculpture garden built single-handedly, and in secret, by Latvian immigrant Edward Leedskalnin over a period of 1923-1951.
>> Epic's on a roll!
FYI: if you 'pre-loaded' Microsoft Flight Simulator it's just the client
If you downloaded the Microsoft Flight Simulator pre-load expecting to dive straight into the game at launch, well: take a seat. The pre-load only downloads the game's client, which weighed in at a suspiciously tiny 532.5MB. Once the client is downloaded, you'll have a 91GB download awaiting.
Warzone bug turns the FR 5.56 into a ridiculous one-hit killing machine
(...)since Warzone Season 5 kicked off two weeks ago. Players are noticing lost weapons and cash, plus the bizarre 'demon gun glitch' that looks like the bizarre offspring of an assault rifle and Assassin's Creed's Animus. Recently, however, a new issue has been spotted: the under-barrel shotgun in the FR 5.56 (FAMAS) is utterly broken, and Infinity Ward is working on a fix.
Rocksteady reacts to staff harassment claims
A report in the Guardian today paints a sorry picture of Rocksteady's company culture. In 2018 more than half of the women working at the studio signed a letter describing a pattern of misogynistic harassment including claims of groping, unwanted advances, "slurs regarding the transgendered community" and inappropriate comments in the office.
Total War: Three Kingdoms' first expansion takes us to the jungle
The Furious Wild expansion for Three Kingdoms adds four new factions, new jungle zones on the strategic map, more than 25 new units (including beasts!) and new tech trees. It will be available on September 3 for $20/£15.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.